Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Years everyone!!

Hola Everyone!

Wow I am very behind.....and well my Co-pilot is a bit slow at starting blogs as well. That is why he is a Co-pilot. :P

Some how I got behind and missed November! Hell I missed December too!

I will begin with the chickens. Syx has been so patient thank you Syx!

Seb and I ate most of our chickens. We found a receipe we liked and had some beer with Tequilla shots and got very hungry and ate most of them!

Except we still have a few left. I been resisting buying bunnies and turtles. Umm that reminds me I need to contact Sierra to get a couple of bunnies, hopefully fixed! Only as pets of course. We don't want to have to eat them too! Seb loves pets as I do and it's not hard for us to grow a pet family in reals either.

Okay back to November. It was a great time, we had Turkey of course, Seb loves the boobies ( that's what my Seb calls turkey breasts )and well I like the legs. No one fought over who had what.

Everyone else including little Sara ate all day that day it seems. (Sara is Seb's beloved dog )

We went to movies again, we love going to the movies together but now since it's been awhile I can't remember what we saw! LOL Oops.. perhaps Seb remembers?? Then again Seb like most men has selective memory, hearing, and listening disabilities. :P

That week went by fast!! Then here comes Christmas right around the corner and by the time you know it it's come and gone! Pronto out the door!

It was wonderful! We went to see the lights, the lines were long, but it was very festive. There was music, people eating, dancing, singing to the Christmas Carols a few blocks of festivities. Was very very nice.

OH I remember we did see Avatar the movie! Now this movie is definitely unforgettable. People if you haven't seen that yet we suggest you do. It was awesome! It was definitely made with lots of bucks and it surely shows, the story line was great it! It was a wonderful movie.

Then New Year's came, and by the time we know it it's Happy New Years!

Well Happy New Years Everyone! I see Sierra joined us, and Lissa. Welcome Welcome Welcome!!

I keep saying I am going to write each month but time escapes me. My months turn into weeks and my weeks into days and so on. And sometimes I just get writers block.

Now were all in a New Year and we will all have to be patient and wait and see what happens. Good or bad that's life.

Our hearts go out to the people from Haiti and one of the biggest disasters this year. :(

Seb has been working with Heather very consistently lately so in time there will be some new exciting stuff. I know you guys are all wondering when oh when. I hope soon. Seb and Heather have a busy reals and at times that takes priority unfortunately. Thank you everyone for being patient.

I will try to write more often.

It's just the holidays were busy for me as well. And now things are finally settling down probably for all of us. Time keeps going by fast.

Until another Post..

All our love,

Thalia and Seb xoxo

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